Avoidables Angels Read online

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  Chapter Twelve

  ‘I’m so glad I found you, I’ve been searching all morning!’

  I blinked in the sunlight. Paul, my angel friend, shoved his way into the hall. The knock had awoken me from the first peaceful slumber I had experienced since arriving on Earth.

  ‘Nice to see you, too,’ I muttered, following him into the kitchen.

  He was tall and skinny. The sunlight shone through the window, highlighting his dirty blond hair. It was long on top, the ends curling ever so slightly.

  ‘You’re a handsome Perfect,’ I said, reaching to flick on the kettle.

  He paced the room, glancing at me every now and then.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  Running his hand through his hair, he jumped when the front doorbell went. I glanced at the black and white clock on the wall.

  ‘Oh no, I’m late!’ I cried, tugging my nightshirt.

  Paul cringed when I pulled the shirt over my head and chucked it in the washing machine. He averted his eyes, staring at the kettle as it boiled the water.

  ‘Sorry.’ I tried to cover myself with my hands. I wasn’t used to worrying about the physical body when I had been an angel.

  ‘It’s fine. A body is just a body. I don’t know why they make such a big deal about nakedness. It’s natural.’

  Muttering my agreement, I shot to my bedroom to pull on my skirt suit. The doorbell rang again. ‘Who could that be?’

  As I brushed my hair, I heard voices in the hallway. Pulling open my bedroom door, I stilled as the guard from the night before watched me.

  ‘Hello,’ I said, straightening my spine when he looked between me and Paul. ‘This is my friend, Michael.’

  Paul hid his smile by shutting the front door behind the man that stalked into the kitchen. Why did I feel guilty? I hadn’t done anything to warrant the emotion.

  ‘Are you ready for your interview?’ the guard called.

  Glancing in the mirror, I tried to rub the dark circles under my eyes. I could see why Perfects put on so much make up.

  ‘Not quite, almost…’ I shouted back.

  Paul followed the guard. I tried to listen to what they said to each other as I put mascara on my eyelashes. The makeup was already in the flat. Who had left it there for me? I guessed it would have been Arion, our declared heavenly leader. He was looking down on us all, guiding us through our quest.

  ‘Okay, now I’m ready,’ I announced, wandering into the kitchen.

  Paul and the guard stood opposite each other. One sizing the other. Both sets of shoulders were stiff and so was the atmosphere.

  ‘What’s going on?’

  Paul loosened up before the guard did. ‘Your friend seems to think that something is going on between us. He doesn’t like it.’

  I snorted. Paul had been in my angel family group for hundreds of years. We didn’t share a soulmate connection on a true love level.

  ‘My sentiments exactly.’ Paul chuckled.

  The guard’s back straightened even more. He looked over at me, blinking when he took in my made up face and classy clothes. He was shorter than Paul and not quite as thin. He was also a distraction. The plan had been to come to Earth to help Avoidables and Perfects get along better. Not to fall for one of the guards.

  ‘Firstly, Michael…’ Something about his name was familiar. It resonated with me so strongly, I forgot to finish speaking.

  ‘William won’t like it if you’re late,’ Michael finished for me.

  Why was I drawn to him?

  ‘We’d better leave. Make yourself at home, Paul, I won’t be too long.’

  Paul shook his head, grinning to himself. Michael didn’t make eye contact with him as we left the building.

  ‘Who is he?’ he demanded as soon as we were in the car.

  The roads whizzed past. His aggression was taken out on the steering wheel. I squealed when he dodged an older woman crossing the road.

  ‘He’s my friend,’ I replied, gripping the bottom of my seat as he swung round a corner.

  Glancing over at him, I realised why people struggled with love. If he was this effected with jealousy after a few hours of knowing me, how would he be if we were in a relationship?

  ‘It’s none of your business who I date,’ I snapped, annoyed at his annoyance. ‘Not that I’m dating Paul.’ I giggled at the thought. It would be like dating my brother.

  Michael’s gaze slipped over me. The crease in his forehead eased a little.

  ‘You’re not dating him?’

  Human males were so strange. When I had watched them from above, I had been baffled. Most of them, especially Perfects, longed for someone to love. They had lost the ability when they had been taught to only love someone for their appearance. The surface was a dangerous place to love.

  ‘I’m not dating him. Not that it’s got anything to do with you, anyway.’

  When he growled, I stifled my laughter. I didn’t want to upset him any further.

  The other hindrance I had noticed about men was their fear of falling in love. They made out that they didn’t want a relationship. Made out that they were happy to have fun but didn’t want to be tied down. It all boiled down to fear.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ he asked, his shoulders relaxing.

  Sighing, I watched the buildings go past. ‘I was just thinking it’s a shame that more men don’t own their emotions. They shy away from loving a woman because they think it will take away their power. When in fact, it will empower them beyond anything they’ve ever experienced.’

  The car swerved. I jolted, glancing at the road to see what had caused the sudden movement. There was nothing there.

  Looking at Michael, I bit my lip when his mouth snapped closed. He had been gawping at me again. My cheeks heated as the compound gates came into view.

  ‘Who are you?’ he asked as the barrier lifted and let us through.

  Clearing my throat, I adopted the air of Perfect superiority. ‘Just a woman speculating. Ignore me.’

  The car came to halt. We stayed where we were, listening to each other’s breath.


  ‘Thank you for the lift,’ I rushed, escaping from the car before he could speculate on what I had said. My angel side had been allowed to show. It was no good. I had to get better at being a Perfect. How did I balance the good in me with the shallow side I needed to show?

  ‘Melissa! Good to see you,’ the chancellor greeted as I stepped into the reception foyer.

  The building buzzed with activity. Apparently there were interviews all day. I hoped I would get a moment alone with William.

  ‘And you, sir,’ I said, letting him kiss the top of my hand.

  ‘Good luck today. I’ve had a word with William. Of course, he gets the overall say, although I don’t see why. I’m sure you’ll be fine.’

  Smiling up at him, I fluttered my eyelashes. Being allowed into the government because the chancellor wanted to take me to bed made my stomach heavy. It didn’t matter, though. William had told us to get onto the panel however we could. This had been my way.

  ‘Melissa, please go through,’ the receptionist called.

  The chancellor patted me on the back as I left him. Pulling on my jacket, I stood tall and held my head high as I passed the other candidates for the job.

  Their whispers wouldn’t phase me. I was an angel. A Perfect angel. I would get the job.