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The Witch With An Attitude (Federation of Magic Book 2) Page 7

  Ah, yeah, I should probably get on with my job. Just as I steadied my feet, Tinniel went to open his delicious mouth.

  “It’s okay.” Holding up a hand, I closed my eyes and pictured Jimmy.

  It came much more naturally now, the instant seeking for a person’s energetic imprint. My magic flowed, following the link that had connected me to Zac’s bounty. A flicker of light bounced in my mind’s eye.

  “There’s a candle flame,” I said quietly. “It’s fluttering in a window.”

  “Tinniel,” Naz’s voice was tight in warning.

  My insides shook as my connection grew stronger, the image in my mind expanding to include a dark red lacquered… Shit!

  Jolting out of the connection, I sucked in a breath as my eyes snapped open. Tinniel and Naz were already by the door, their weapons raised and ready to fire.

  “Come out, come out,” a male sing song voice called.


  To be fair, I wasn’t surprised he was outside. The twins had failed to listen to my warning and just waltzed into the tunnels. Not that my knowledge stopped the perspiration that lined my palms as I clung to Beauty’s handle.

  “Are you alright?” Tinniel asked me, his light green eyes almost black in the shadows.

  Nodding quickly, I didn’t reply, too afraid that my voice would shake and give me away. Of course I wasn’t alright, there was a bastard vampire outside. One who would want my blood for using my magic to find him.

  “Stay behind me.” Tinniel clearly read my mind, although not literally, like his brother.

  Lining his face with his usual scowl, my handsome rescuer inclined his head to Naz before flicking open the door. I tried to see around him in order to know who was with Jimmy. Unfortunately, the twins blocked my view with their bulk as they shoved themselves out of the train.

  I skipped close behind them, tempted to cling to Tinniel’s jacket. Instead, I pulled my theoretical pants up and straightened my own jacket as I pushed between the brothers and took centre stage.

  Jimmy stood with Frankenstein, his hands tucked into his navy suit jacket. The other man blinked as he watched us, his ugly face not even moving an inch as his gaze found mine.

  My stomach rolled as I looked away, my skin crawling as his energy seeped into me. What the hell was he?

  “Nice to see you, boys,” Jimmy said, raising his eyebrows when Tinniel tried to step in front of me. “And girl.”

  Standing my ground, I swallowed as I glared at the vampire. Who said I had to be professional to the arsehole who had tried to kill Tinniel?

  Jimmy tilted his head to the side as he watched me. “The famous Ford witch. You’re a pretty one. If you ever need a real man to show you a good time, give me a call.”

  “Sorry,” I replied, spitting my words. “Just your face is enough to turn me into a nun.”

  Naz and Tinniel cleared their throats. I resisted the urge to check whether they had found my retort amusing or whether they wanted to tape my mouth shut. No doubt, it was a bit of both.

  A smirk crossed Jimmy’s face as he glanced at Tinniel and raised his eyebrows. “You picked a feisty one to bond with, didn’t you?”

  Wait, how did Jimmy know about the charge? Having that kind of intelligence would make it easier for him to play us.

  “Let’s cut to the chase.” Tinniel lifted his gun and aimed it at Jimmy. “You need to come with us.”

  A snort blew from Jimmy’s nose as he bared his teeth, the long canines extending. “It’s time to end you both.”

  Shooting forward, Jimmy’s super speed propelled him to Tinniel, who fired his gun and spun away, dodging out of Jimmy’s grip. The vampire growled as I swung Beauty and hit him around the head with the blade.

  Naz moved to Frankenstein as the tall lanky beast clenched his spade-like hands. There were three against two, although I wasn’t as well-trained as the twins. I was still happy with the odds.

  “Got your girlfriend doing your dirty work?” Jimmy taunted, his long teeth digging into his bottom teeth as Tinniel appeared next to me.

  I side-stepped out of Jimmy’s way when he came for me, my feet bouncing on the dusty ground. He flicked his eyebrows when I flung my leg out, spinning in a circle and booting him right in the head. His skull shunted back before his hand whipped out and grabbed my retracting calf. Squeezing hard, he grinned when I jumped off my free foot, lifted it high and smashed it into his shoulder as I twisted.

  A grunt expelled from his lips as his shoulder dislocated and he let go. Tinniel had been watching me, allowing me to defend myself. Clearly seeing the flash of red cross Jimmy’s eyes, he moved in front of me and lifted his gun, shooting the vampire straight in the chest as he lunged.

  Naz cried out as Frankenstein wrenched his head back, slowly turning it. Tinniel tackled Jimmy as he rushed forward, ignoring the bullet that had lodged in his skin.

  Right. Now what was I supposed to do?

  My feet carried me to Naz, my sword extending and thrusting towards Frankenstein’s back as I spun around him. The tip of the blade sliced through his holey T-shirt, cutting the skin beneath. As blood blossomed from the wound, he snarled and turned to me, releasing Naz in the process.

  Tinniel screeched, drawing all our attention. Goosebumps erupted on my skin as I watched Jimmy plunge his teeth into my sorcerer’s neck. Naz was with them before I could blink, dragging the vampire off his brother. They could handle Jimmy, while I-

  A meaty hand clamped over my mouth, pulling me back against a hard chest. Considering Frankenstein was so thin, he was deceivingly ripped. Struggling against the man, I kicked my leg back, determined to snap the twig’s leg. Not even a gasp left his lips as he brought his mouth close to my ear.

  “You’re the big prize,” he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper, “maybe I’ll take you for myself.”

  Lifting me off my feet, he turned, easily holding my weight in one arm. I kicked and punched, my heartbeat thundering in my ears as he headed towards the disused platform. His hand dislodged from my mouth, and I bit down on his knuckle, hard.

  “Tinniel!” I screamed, bending my head to try and see him.

  Both he and Naz were wrestling with Jimmy, they almost had him pinned. Looking up at my shout, he lost his grip and Jimmy bucked against Naz.

  Without blinking, Tinniel lifted his gun and shot Frankenstein. The creature’s legs gave out under him, and he crashed to the floor, his arm loosening. Thrusting from him, I huffed in a breath and kicked my legs up so they tucked between us. He held firm, gripping tightly to my waist.

  Forcing my arms up, I grasped his head and gritted my teeth, channelling my magic and pushing it out of me.

  “What are-?” he started, his mouth stretching open when fiery heat surged through my fingers.

  Red blisters spread over his face, popping up as the burn intensified. The smell of singed skin crept up my nose, making my stomach roll. Bloody hell, the bastard had almost had me.

  Ripping my hands away, I clambered to my feet as he clutched his eyes, which were melting. I spun, searching for the brothers. Tinniel had Jimmy’s legs, Naz, his shoulders. The vampire thrust around, his teeth snapping and grazing Naz’s face.

  “Can I help?” I said, moving closer to them and picking up Beauty from where she’d fallen to the ground.

  Shaking his head, Tinniel scrunched up his face as they both chanted a spell. His gaze fixed on his own hands, staring. I breathed deeply, watching as translucent ice blue chains extended from his palms. Checking Naz, I gasped as they shot from his hands, too, slowly wrapping around Jimmy.

  His strength was almost too much for them as he head-butted Naz and thrust against Tinniel.

  My foot stepped forward, my sword ready to help the twins. Before I could reach them, I was grabbed from behind again and hauled onto Frankenstein’s shoulder. Shit, no, he should’ve been incapacitated.

  “Lyla!” Tinniel went to jump up, pausing when the magical chains around his wrists grew taunt.
r />   “No!” Both Naz and I shouted, imploring Tinniel to stay where he was.

  No matter what happened to me, they had to take Jimmy in. Even if it meant that Frankenstein was able to take me. Although, I would fight the bastard with every last inch of my energy.

  Tinniel was poised, his mouth agape as Frankenstein carted me towards the platform. Wriggling and squirming, I batted his back, aiming for the bullet wound that seeped blood through to his T-shirt. Even the slash from Beauty hadn’t hindered him. Whatever he was, he seemed to be indestructible.

  “Finish the spell,” I screamed, my voice jolting as my stomach jolted against Frankenstein’s shoulder, “then come and find me.”

  As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I could not beat Frankenstein on my own. Even Jimmy, the vampire who now desperately tried to pull free, was afraid of the creature that carried me towards the steps that led above.

  Naz barged his shoulder into his brother without breaking the rhythm of the spell. Tinniel frowned, his beautiful face tormented as he took up the chant. His gaze stayed glued to mine as the chains grew stronger and tightened around the man they had been hunting for months.

  My tummy rolled as Frankenstein thundered up the steps, bouncing me even harder. If I puked all over his clothes, it would be his own fault.

  Panic suddenly enclosed me, squeezing me in its grip as Frankenstein reached the top of the stairs and pulled so hard on the bolted lock, it fell apart in his hands.

  Ripping his T-shirt, I lost it, my senses overtaken as I imagined what would happen to me if the creature wanted to harm me. Screaming and kicking, I tried to wrestle out of his grip.


  I had to blow my hair out of my face in order to see Tinniel as Frankenstein thrusted through the now gaping hole. Tinniel surged up from the ground as the spell completed, trapping the vampire. Naz pushed Tinniel as he hauled Jimmy over his shoulder.

  Darkness took away my sight as Frankenstein charged through a tunnel, his feet as fast as a vampire on speed. My breath rushed out of me as the creature kicked down another door. Gasping, I winced when light flooded around us.

  The rush of wind and sound engulfed me as my body was dropped to the floor, my feet barely catching me as we emerged onto a busy underground train platform. Just metres away, humans and paranormal people went about their evening, a few returning from where ever they had been.

  “You need to let me go,” I said, snarling up at Frankenstein.

  He wrapped his solid fingers around my elbow and heaved me towards the edge of the platform as a train approached. How convenient for the ugly-arse creature.

  “Please!” There was no harm in trying to appeal to his softer side.

  Not that it looked like he had one considering he was dripping blood and forcing me straight onto the train as soon as it pulled up. I dragged my feet on purpose, tempted to use my kickboxing skills to try and escape.

  Although Tinniel was fast, he didn’t have super-speed like the creature, who was currently squeezing my elbow so hard, the bones cracked together, causing me to suck in a breath as pain exploded down my arm.

  “Your friend will die if he follows us.” Frankenstein’s gravelly voice made me shudder.

  It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a real-life giant. He would be cruel enough to squash me in an instant, and yet, he plonked down on a seat, giving me no option but to follow him.

  “Yeah, well you’ll die when he catches up with us,” I quipped, scowling when the man laughed, his thin chest rumbling.

  He was a complete contradiction. Tall and skinny with the biggest feet I’d ever seen but agile and strong at the same time. What the bloody hell was he?

  Calming my breath, I looked through the window as the train pulled away. It was then I noticed the door to the tunnel was hanging on its hinges. Would Tinniel rush out just as we left? Would he know where I was?

  No, I couldn’t just leave without a fight, I had to do something.

  “I’m taking you to see the person who has your mother.”

  And just like that, I surrendered, unable to breathe as the train took me away from Tinniel.

  Chapter Six

  “I really think you should let me go now,” I said, huffing when Frankenstein dropped me on the ground.

  My butt hit the concrete as the wind pushed my hair back from my face. It was dark, the lights from bridges and buildings aiding as a spotlight to our surroundings. Shit, we were by the River Thames. What were we doing here?

  A small set of steps led down to the right of me. My fingers shook as I rubbed my bruised elbow before causally running my hand down the pocket of my jeans. My jacket had hidden the bulge of my phone where it was tucked safely away. I would bide my time until I got it out. It was a shame I couldn’t magic a spell to type out a message and send it without me even touching the damn thing.

  “She’s down there.” Pointing towards the steps, Frankenstein hauled me to my feet, steadying me when I swayed away from him.

  I had a dilemma. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, vibrating my whole body. If I escaped now – which might be doable considering Frank had relaxed – I wouldn’t get to see the person he claimed had my mother. However, my life was in danger.

  Was it stupid of me to think that I was capable of keeping myself safe? What good was a tracker witch in this situation, anyway? It wasn’t like I could jump into someone else’s body and teleport away from the bad guys.

  Putting my hands on my hips, I looked up at the man who blinked slowly, his gaze lowering to meet mine. “What are you?”

  A grin spread across his lips as he shrugged. “Exactly what you think I am. A Frankenstein of sorts.”

  “Balls,” I breathed, “I knew it. Wait, can you hear my thoughts, too?”

  Nodding his heavy head, he chuckled. “Yes. You have verbal thought diarrhoea. I feel dirty just listening to you, so I shut you out.”

  “Why do you have to work for the baddies? Couldn’t you become a bounty hunter? The Federation would love a…whatever you are.”

  “No.” He rubbed his chin absentmindedly. “I’m loyal to my creator. I may be a mixed-breed paranormal, but my vampire sire controls my every move.”

  “Is it Jimmy?”

  Laughing, he gripped his stomach and shook his head. The sound was raspy as air whistled from his back. Ew, the bullet had obviously gone into his lung, puncturing it. And there he was, acting as if he were enjoying a witty joke. It wasn’t that funny.

  “No, it’s not. Go, she’s waiting.”

  Shuddering, I slunk to the edge of the river and looked down the steps. A smart yacht bobbed in the water, gently rising up and down with the tide. A light was the only sign of life on the boat as I trotted towards the steps.

  “There’s no point in trying to run,” Frankenstein muttered, “I’ll just catch you and cart you down there myself.”

  Ah bloody hell, another bastard who could hear my thoughts. Was nothing private anymore?

  “If you see my friends,” I started, “tell them…”

  What? That I wasn’t strong enough to even attempt to get away from the monster? Or that a part of me wanted to speak to the person on the boat. If I could find out the whereabouts of my mother, it may lead to Henrick. I could then let Tinniel know by connecting to him. Our charge was strong enough.

  Realising my mistake in thinking too much, I sucked in a breath as I looked over my shoulder at Frankenstein. He was staring at his feet, clearly waiting for me to descend the steps. His eyes were glazed over as he raised them. Had he heard me?

  “Please… I need to get away from your incessant chatter. All your thoughts run into one, and I can’t make them out.”


  Without hesitation, I skipped down the steps, away from the man who could’ve potentially heard my plan. He might have been playing dumb. Either way, I had to try and find my mother.

  My nerves shook my hands as I came to the bottom step and approached the small plank that led onto
the boat. I could hear Tinniel’s words now. He would be screaming at me to back away from the watercraft.

  As stupid as it was to face whoever was on the boat alone, it was my duty. Naz and Tinniel would have met with them in a heartbeat. They wouldn’t be afraid if it meant that they found a lead to their bounty.

  Straightening my spine, I placed my boot onto the gangplank and pushed forward, almost skipping onto the boat as adrenaline made me shiver.

  “Hello.” A voice drawled as a shadow moved out from the side of the boat.

  My stomach tightened as a tall slim woman encased in a sexy red dress sauntered closer. Her long brown hair curled gently, flicking as the breeze caught it. Her sultry dark eyes appraised me, no doubt horrified at my appearance.

  Glancing down at myself, I cringed. Dust made my leather leggings look patchy and my boots were completely covered in filth. My hair was straggly, the strands bunching together in knots. I probably looked like a woman who had been in a fight with Frankenstein. No shit, Sherlock, that’s exactly what had happened.

  “My name is Amera. Thank you for coming to see me.”

  Looking around her to see if there was a male vampire lurking, I frowned when no one appeared.

  “Ah,” I said, almost laughing. “No wonder Frankenstein is loyal to you.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she frowned. “I’ve often wondered why the creature hasn’t abandoned me. He doesn’t have the same bond as a normal vampire.”

  “Seriously? You’re gorgeous. Annoyingly so.”

  A smile crossed her lips as she gestured for me to sit. There was a table laid out, covered in a cream tablecloth and a red runner. A bottle of wine stood in the middle, accompanied by two glasses. She’d been expecting me. How? Frankenstein wouldn’t have been able to warn her, he’d not had a phone.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Her elongated canine teeth caught her bottom lip as she smiled coyly. “Shall we sit?”

  Treading carefully, I checked around as I lowered into one of the cushioned seats. She dropped delicately, her legs crossing as soon as her butt hit the chair. Her sophisticated grace put me to shame. Oh, well, at least if I had to fight, I wouldn’t rip a stunning skin-tight dress.