The Witch With An Attitude (Federation of Magic Book 2) Page 10
A tall slim man in a tails suit jacket came over, offering me a drink from a tray. Snatching two flutes, I gulped one down and debated offering the second one to my companion.
“What’s his name?”
My spine grew stiff when the slicked-back hair man placed a hand on the small of my back. “Mr Fender. He’s the one I aspire to emulate.”
“You do? And what’s your name?”
Deciding against being kind, I sipped the second glass of fizz and stepped out of the man’s reach. Part of me was comfortable with him, the other part, not so much. He didn’t seem to have a bloodsucking vibe, and yet, he was at the party, wasn’t he?
Clearing his throat, the man moved to block my view of the room. His broad shoulders and strong jaw really reminded me of someone.
“Henrick.” The name left his lips on a breath as it clicked. He reminded me of Tinniel, even with his fairer appearance.
“What…?” My stomach rolled as I choked on my own saliva. Yes, it was possible, trust me. “How? I mean, you… You were with my mother.”
“I was.” He reached a hand out towards me, clasping it into a fist and pulling it back before it made contact. Good job, too, I was about to snap it off.
What was going on? I had seen Henrick with my mother in the video this morning. Had Amera brought him here to tease me? Or was it part of the bargain? “I’m confused,” I blurted.
His eyes bore into mine, searching for something. A sigh left him as he dropped his gaze, clearly disappointed. What had he been looking for?
“It wasn’t Jimmy who faked my death, it was me.”
Shit crap, no. Surely not? Why would he do such a thing? Questions ran through my mind, begging to be answered. But just as they were about to pour out, Amera approached, dragging Mr Fender with her.
“I told you,” she said, laughing prettily, “she drives a hard bargain. Don’t worry, though, we’ve made an agreement that suits us both, haven’t we, Lyla? Oh, I see you’ve met Henrick.”
The sorcerer inclined his head as he allowed room for the pair to join us. We stood in a circle, each eyeing the other warily. Ah, Mr Fender had glared at Henrick before turning his gaze on me. Did he distrust the deceitful turd?
“I have met Henrick.” My words were pushed through clenched teeth. “Now, can I go?”
The beautiful woman’s eyes widened as she ran her tongue along her top gum, no doubt reminding me that she had teeth that could kill me instantly. “This is Mr Fender. He’s a very special guest. He’s excited to see our little demonstration.”
“Demonstration?” Both Henrick and I spoke at the same time, almost laughing when our gaze clashed.
Wait, I shouldn’t be joking around with Tinniel’s long lost brother. Especially when I had no idea what the hell he was doing at the party. Not only that, he’d mentioned that he aspired to be Mr Fender. The dude was an arsehole. I didn’t need to talk to him to know that, it was evident in his sneer.
“I see what you mean about her intelligence,” Mr Fender muttered, disdain scrunching his face. “Let’s hope she’s better at magic.”
His gaze travelled over me, his lips curling into a snarl. What did he mean about my magic?
“It won’t be long.” Amera took my wrist, crushing the bracelet into my skin as she leant close to my ear. “Don’t show me up.”
Smiling, Amera went back to the creep who turned away, murmuring something under his breath. She walked beside him, her words hurried as she placed a hand on his arm. He melted instantly, her vampire wiles obviously taking effect.
Swinging around to face Henrick, I snarled up at him. “What’s going on? Why are you playing nice with this lot? They kidnapped you.”
“No, they didn’t,” he said, looking around to check that no one watched us. Not that I cared, the sorcerer had some explaining to do. “I decided to join them. They’re powerful people, Lyla. It would be wise to try and keep them on your side.”
“You are fucking joking?” I barked. “You’re in on all this?”
Inclining his head, Henrick checked around us, his eyes darting between the vampires. “Most of them are listening.”
“I don’t care.” Folding my arms across my chest – and instantly regretting it when my bust enlarged – I narrowed my gaze on him. “You’re a coward. Your brothers have grieved for you all this time, and you’ve been playing happy families with a bunch of bastards who are trafficking humans.”
Grasping my elbow, Henrick squeezed. “It’s not as simple as you think. My brothers were too caught up in their egos to do a good job. I realised it was better to join the enemy. They offered me much more than the Federation ever could.”
A whistle caught everyone’s attention, drawing their gazes to the deck. Moving in unison, they made their way outside, where fairy lights hung above their heads, twinkling in the dark.
“What about the sorceress?” I asked hurriedly when one of Amera’s henchmen entered the room.
Licking his lips, Henrick shook his head gently. “The box.”
Was that a shadow of apprehension crossing his face? Or was there a part of me reaching for a redeeming feature from the brother who had been so missed?
“You disgust me.” Sadness squeezed my chest, making my throat burn.
Tinniel had lived with such deep guilt, he had been miserable. The vulnerability that had blossomed ever since he’d learned that his brother was alive had pulled me to him even more. How could I tell him that his brother had been playing them all along?
“Don’t resist,” Henrick said, releasing me as the henchman grabbed me from behind.
The air was dragged out of my lungs as the vampire clutched me within his grasp and hauled me away from Henrick. The sorcerer ducked his gaze, unable to watch me being manhandled.
My tummy rolled as I thrust my legs back, my kitten heel slicing into the vamp’s shin. His grunt ruffled my hair as he swung me around and marched me out onto the deck.
Why was he humiliating me?
The burn of fire ignited in my chest as I threw my head back, smashing my skull into his chin. He ignored my efforts to get free, parading me in front of the crowd, who turned to watch as we made our way through them.
Rage expanded within as a growl rose up my throat. Flinging my arms back, I clasped whatever I could grab and screamed. Heat flew from every inch of me, filtering out through my palms.
“Shit!” the vampire gasped, releasing me.
I kept hold of him as he tried to back away, my hands merging into his charred skin. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth wider, releasing the screams of frustration that had built up over the last few months.
When my screech died down, I ripped my hands from the vampire, tearing chunks of burnt flesh out of him. Gagging, I brushed my palms together to rid myself of the disgustingness. Ew. If I wasn’t careful, my burger and milkshake lunch would erupt out of me.
I looked up as several vampires surrounded me. How dare Amera embarrass me, what was she playing at?
“I told you to behave,” she called from where she stood on a raised platform.
Waving her dainty fingers, she indicated that the vampires take me to her. I brought my arms up, ready to defend myself. The stupid kitten heels were a hindrance to my fighting stance, making it impossible to get good leverage on the deck.
Two vampires pounced on me, working together to capture each of my arms and pinning them to my sides. They were taking no chances with my hands. Shame, I quite enjoyed making vampires burn, especially now I had some control over my magic.
“Don’t resist,” one of them muttered. “It will be easier for you.”
Snarling, I snapped my teeth in his direction, just catching his earlobe as he got too close. Blood filled my mouth as he grunted and shoved me away, blinking rapidly when I frowned. Vampires were immortal, why had he torn apart so easily?
“We need you.” His whisper was almost undetectable. “Please, help us bring her back.”
My thundering hea
rt almost drowned out his words as the other vampire dragged me towards Amera. The crowd stared, their eyes wide as they watched, no doubt catching a nice view of my boobs as they almost popped out of my dress.
Several other vamps grabbed hold of me, tentatively holding onto any part of me they could reach. Lifting me from my feet, they propelled me over to the stage and plonked me down. One of them knocked my knees out from under me so I landed on my butt, legs wide open and hair over my face.
“You!” Amera hissed. “Come here!”
I shoved my hair out of my eyes, ready to tell her to F the fuck off. She wasn’t looking at me, though, she was staring at one of the vampires who stood near me.
He ducked his head as he slunk closer to her, dragging his smart loafers across the wooden deck. “I’m sorry,” he started.
“I told you to treat her with dignity at all times, even if she fights.”
The vampire’s throat bobbed as he joined her, his eyes downcast. Everyone’s breath was held, including mine. I didn’t know whether to be grateful that she was sticking up for me, or horrified that she’d ordered them to manhandle me in the first place.
Slowly getting to my feet, I righted myself as Amera reached out to the vampire. I blinked, almost missing her nail dig into his throat. His skin gave way instantly, blood pouring down her hand and onto the floor. What was happening to him? Was she so powerful, she injured them instantly, even though they were immortal?
A guttural cry echoed around us as the man dropped to his knees, clutching his neck. The crowd stepped back, their eyes wide as they cringed. What was the matter with them?
My gaze went back to the man, who writhed on the floor as his skin turned flaky and blue before he disintegrated into a powdery dust.
“You know why we’re here,” Amera said, pointing at me. “We need her.”
The male vampires around me took hold of me again. I kicked out, determined to not go down without a fight. What did they want now? Shit!
Wrestling chains around my legs and wrists, they scowled at me as I spat in their faces. Yes, it was an all-time low, but my heart was hammering like a bitch, and I had to try to get free.
The chains were attached to the railings on the deck, holding me firm as I fought against them. The cold metal bit into my wrists when I lifted my arms.
“Lyla,” Amera’s voice cut through my fight.
My chest huffed up and down as I lifted my head to look at the queen vamp. Her cheeks were heavily made up with rouge, the red almost glowing in the fairy lights from above. Against her pale dead skin, it made her look even more other-worldly than in the daylight.
Pinching her lips together, Amera stared at me, her long eyelashes brushing her cheeks. “I want you to track Helania’s silver box.”
When she stopped talking, I frowned. Was she fucking stupid? She had kept me captive, humiliated me and forced me to wear a stupid bloody dress in order to get me to track a box?
A laugh burst from me, the sound brash in the silence. The distant orange lights of London gave me an idea of how far it was to the shoreline. If I could escape, I would be able to swim to safety. Although, it would certainly be interesting to navigate the Thames in the dark in a constricting dress.
The image of it made me laugh harder, bending over as my stomach started to cramp.
“I think she’s losing her mind,” a man said nearby.
My hilarity was cut short when a hand gripped my hair and yanked my head back. I swallowed as Amera got in my face, her beautiful features twisting in rage. “If you don’t try, I’m going to kill you right here.”
Bending her head, she struck like a snake, sinking her teeth into my bare shoulder. I bit down hard on my bottom lip as she raked her sharp nails down my side, slicing my skin. The pain exploded throughout me, forcing me to strain against the chains as I tried to get her off me.
“Now,” she hissed when she pulled her teeth out of me, “if you don’t do as you’re told, these men will have a taste of your blood. And I’ll make sure it hurts.”
For the first time since I had boarded the boat, I was truly afraid. The bite mark throbbed and my insides quivered. I’d had no idea that she’d want me to use my magic. I’d only come for a bargain, and here I was, a puppet in her show. Bloody hell, I really had been naive to believe that she wouldn’t harm me because of my connection to Jimmy.
“My magic doesn’t work like that,” I said with a shaky breath, “I have to touch or see a person.”
Mr Fender, who had slowly moved to stand nearby, tutted and shook his head. “I told you she’d be useless.”
Clicking her fingers, Amera growled as she snatched a piece of paper that was offered to her. It was a photo of the silver box that Jimmy had shown Frankenstein. Yeah, I had seen it before. However, I couldn’t trace an object. That was a bloody ridiculous notion.
“Your mother failed me, too. Hence the reason I locked her up. Try!”
Amera forced the photo into my hand, twisting her nails into the skin on my thumb as I grasped it. Her gaze rose over my shoulder, and she nodded once, smirking as a hand gripped my waist and more teeth bore down into my other shoulder. The pull on my blood made me heave. The man quickly ripped away, afraid I was going to vomit all over him. Bastard.
“I’ll try,” I pushed through my teeth, fighting the urge to cry as a lump came to my throat.
I had never been so humiliated in all my life. A hoard of vampires watched me, hope lighting their eyes. What was their problem? Were they so blood-thirsty, they were desperate for the sorceress who created them to return?
As Amera chewed on her bottom lip, showing her nerves, I glanced at the picture of the box. I had seen it not that long ago. However, I hadn’t touched it. Not only that, the box wasn’t a living being, it had no energy.
Closing my eyes to appease them, I pictured the box in my mind’s eye. Tinniel’s face encroached, his stern expression clearer than the object I was supposed to be tracking. He would tell me to feel into the silver, to allow my energy to flow to it.
My breath rushed out of me as a new strength surged within me. I thought about the box again, hoping that something would happen. It didn’t. The image just sat there, cold and inanimate.
“I see you need inspiring,” Amera whispered.
Snapping my eyes open, I balked as she lifted Beauty, my gleaming sword. She wore gloves and handled it delicately, almost as if she were picking up a bag of dog poop. Her expression was priceless. If only I could dig my phone out of my bra in order to snap a photo.
My phone! It was running low on battery, but I had left it on so that Tinniel and Naz could track my signal. It was a good job I had kept my old dinosaur phone. It was small and dainty, easy to hide. It would be handy if the brothers arrived right about now.
“What are you looking at?” Amera’s teeth clashed together as she grasped the handle of Beauty, swung it forward and plunged the tip into my thigh.
Ah, bloody hell. The pain shot through me as I thrust away, wrenching the chains.
Amera dropped the sword, cursing when her glove moved and her palm caught the silver.
What was it about my weapon that harmed her? She was an immortal vampire, clearly more powerful than most of the men on the boat. And yet, she had a weakness.
Puffing through my nose as my leg throbbed and my shoulders ached, I closed my eyes and tried again. The sword was still embedded in my leg, distracting me as I tried to imagine the box.
“You can do it,” a male voice broke through the pain.
It was Henrick. What the fuck was he playing at? He was my enemy, how dare he cheer me on as if I were about to jump off a diving board!
The silver engraved box entered my mind. Darkness surrounded it, close and tight against my skin. I couldn’t breathe, the air was non-existent. “It’s buried.”
“Where?” Amera’s hot breath brushed over me. “Tell me where.”
“I don’t know.” The words were hitched as tears forced their way
down my cheeks.
A sniff made me open my eyes. Amera sneered as she turned and gestured for Henrick to join us. “She needs more incentive.”
The sorcerer tilted his head to the side before he stepped closer, his gaze slipping to the sword that still stuck out of my leg. Seeing my beloved weapon jutting out of me, I swallowed hard. The pain, although excruciating, was bearable. I had to get through the ordeal alive.
“What do you want me to do?” Henrick’s demeanour changed, his shoulders lifting and his face becoming hard.
He was going to do whatever she requested. Was she testing him? Did she doubt his loyalty to her, even though he had been with them for four years?
If Tinniel saw his brother bowing to the vampires, he would lose it. I knew the sorcerer was full of pride, for himself, his job and his brothers. He would snap, and I wouldn’t want to see the results of his fury.
My chest squeezed as I blinked away the water lining my eyes. Amera tapped the side of her chin, pretending to think of my next punishment.
“Kiss her.”
“Excuse me?” Henrick barked, almost choking.
Flicking her hair over her shoulder, Amera raised her eyebrows. “You heard me. Kiss her.”
I looked around the crowd, praying that somehow, someway, Tinniel and Naz had snuck on-board and were about to rescue me from the hell that Amera had created.
I had agreed to help her with Jimmy in exchange for the whereabouts of my mother. It seemed she had wanted a lot more from me.
The handsome face of my fated mate wasn’t hiding amongst those who didn’t give two craps about me. I was alone, about to be violated by his very own brother. If I wasn’t careful, I would break. I hadn’t had time to develop the thick skin that protected every bounty hunters’ heart.
“Very well.” Coming closer, Henrick licked his lips.
Shaking my head, I widened my eyes at him. “Don’t you dare.”
“I’m sorry, needs must,” he whispered, as he moved his face down, gripping my chin and placing his lips near the edge of mine.