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The Witch With An Attitude (Federation of Magic Book 2) Page 11

  A burning sensation tickled my skin where he’d kissed me, growing stronger as he pulled away. Had he cast a spell on me? I had no idea about Henrick’s sorcerer magic. He could’ve done anything to me, and I wouldn’t have known about it.

  “Really?” Amera drawled, “I think you can do better than that.”

  Touching his lips, Henrick winced. “She’s bonded with someone. That kiss burnt me.”

  Tilting her head to the side, Amera blinked as her eyes flared red. “I will not have you defy me!”

  Her arm shot forward, her nails plunging into Henrick’s chest. He convulsed as she lifted him by sheer force.

  “Stop!” I cried, wrenching my arms against the chains.

  Henrick choked as he gripped Amera’s forearm, trying to free himself from the talons embedded in his chest. My throat closed as the sorcerer’s eyes bulged, and he thrashed, desperate for air. She must have been squeezing his lung or something. Surely she wasn’t capable of that?

  “You disgust me.” Amera yanked her arm away, laughing when Henrick dropped to the ground, gasping. “Take him away.”

  Several vampires hauled Henrick to his feet and dragged him through the crowd. I watched him go, wishing I could ask him how he could betray his brother for a psychopathic she-devil.

  “Again.” Amera licked her lips as she wiped her bloody arm on a cloth. “The box.”

  Glaring at her, I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath. What did she expect me to find? How could I track a box that had been buried?

  “This isn’t working,” Mr Fender piped up, his tone unamused, “Your little show is boring me.”

  Amera didn’t turn around, instead she thrust forward, grabbed the sword still stuck in my leg and twisted it. Pain exploded as I sucked air into my lungs and expelled a few choice curse words. Was she bloody stupid? The more she hurt me, the harder it was to use my magic.

  “I’ll try,” I murmured over the rush of blood in my ears.

  I closed my eyes again and concentrated hard. The box appeared in my mind’s eye, the feeling of suffocation quickly following.

  “I’m near the train,” a voice whispered, jolting me to stand upright. “Come find me.”

  A cough in the crowd brought me back, jarring me out of the memory. Amera was nearby, waiting for me to speak. Tingles raced over the skin on my arms as the distant sound of a helicopter made me smile inside. My man was on his way.

  “What the…?” Amera murmured, rushing over to the railing.

  A small chuckle bubbled in my throat as tears popped into my eyes, blurring my vision. My phone must have pinged the nearest mast. Hopefully, they would see the pretty twinkling lights on the boat and head straight for us. I was ready to be rescued now, even without the location of my mother’s whereabouts.

  “Amera?” I croaked, determined to try one last time. “Where is she?”

  The vampires started to talk loudly amongst themselves. They obviously hadn’t expected company. Mr Fender was backing away, hurrying to disembark onto his private boat. He was clearly one of the slave trade top dogs.

  “You!” Amera screamed. “It was you, wasn’t it? Who is that?”

  Searching through the crowd, I tried in vain to spot Henrick. Where had the bitch had him taken?

  “I need Henrick.” Weak and in chains, I had no bargaining power, not really. And yet, I would keep trying. “And my mother.”

  Amera crept closer, her canine teeth elongating as she slid beside me. “You’re the only one who has access to Jimmy. If you didn’t, I would kill you now.”

  I lifted my arm, forgetting that I was bound. It moved further than I thought it would, the chain dragging on the floor. Either the chain had become loose itself, or someone had untied it from the railing.

  Vampires were panicking as the helicopter flew nearer, a spotlight scanning the deck. They had something to hide, clearly. Why else would they worry about the Federation?

  As they exited the yacht, my heart sped up, the adrenaline giving me the energy I needed. A few of Amera’s men glanced up at the sky before running across the deck and disappearing into the living quarters.

  “We need to go,” one of them told their leader.

  “You want your mother so badly, I’ll deliver her head, unless you kill Jimmy and get me that box.” Spinning, Amera jumped off the platform. Steadying my nerve, I flicked my arm, sending the chain flying across the deck and smashing into the vampire’s shoulder. She stumbled, the attack catching her by surprise as her men returned from inside the boat, carrying AK47’s. Oh crap, they were going to try and bring the helicopter down.

  Ignoring the pain, I wrenched Beauty out of my thigh, grunting as blood spurted and the throbbing started all over again. Crap, bastard, my skin was burning like a bitch as I limped forward.

  Amera was on her knees, the chain wrapped around her ankles. I couldn’t claim that my skills had brought her down, it was pure luck.

  Huffing, she gripped the chain and broke it clean in half, jumping up just as I reached her. I gathered all my energy and swung Beauty, aiming for Amera’s arm. Her eyes widened when she spotted me, reaching out to halt my sword. The blade sliced straight through her wrist, cutting her hand clean off.

  My mouth gaped open as my stomach churned. The sound of gunshots erupted, drowning out Amera’s scream as she clutched the stump in an attempt to stem the flow of blood that dripped onto the deck.

  “You bitch!” she shrieked, “you…you… Fuck!” Backtracking as I advanced, Amera glared at the sword.

  “Where is Henrick and my mother?” I pushed through my clenched teeth. “Tell me, now!”

  The helicopter circled above us, mostly dodging the bullets. I didn’t dare look up in case I caught sight of Tinniel. I would crumble if I saw the man destined to be mine.

  “Henrick belongs with us,” Amera hissed. “He’ll never return. And as for your mother…” Glancing up, Amera cackled loudly. “You know what you have to do in order to get her back.”

  Spinning, the vampire ran towards the edge of the boat and jumped overboard. I dragged my leg to the side and looked over, unable to see anything in the dark.


  His voice sent a shudder through me as my knees gave out. I glanced over my shoulder, barely catching my breath as his arms came around my waist and caught me before I hit the floor.

  There was no time for soft words and hard kisses. The helicopter’s propellers were loud as it hovered above us, the wind it created whipping my hair around my head.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” Tinniel said, lifting me into his arms.

  I grasped his leather jacket, a cry escaping me as the pain in my thigh pulsed over my body. The vampires had thrown their guns on the ground and disappeared. One of them was passed out on the floor. Clearly he’d had a run in with one of the hunters.

  “I’m ready,” Tinniel shouted, looking up into the sky.

  “Wait!” I stopped him. “The bracelet is a bomb set to go off if I leave the boat.”

  Growling low in his throat, Tinniel threaded his fingers between the bracelet and my wrist, muttering a spell that disintegrated the diamonds into dust that evaporated.

  If only I’d had his magic, I could’ve got out of the chains and everything. Or maybe his brother… Henrick!

  Thrusting my hair out of my face, I looked around, checking one last time. Wait, was that…?

  My heart hammered when the back of a man disappeared around the side of the boat. His hair was long on top, the sides shaved. Had Henrick returned to see what was happening?

  “Your brother,” I croaked, trying to get Tinniel’s attention as he took hold of a lowered rope and placed his thick boot in a loop at the end. He hoisted me higher, almost putting me over his shoulder so he could use his other hand.

  He glanced down at me, frowning as I licked my lips to try and wet them. “What was that?”

  Shaking my head, I coughed to clear my throat. “Your brother was here.”

; His throat moved as he swallowed. Instead of setting me down to look for him, he glanced up and gave whoever was flying a thumbs up. We jerked, the rope slacking before going taut. My insides wobbled as we rose into the air and a sigh escaped me. I was safe. In a lot of bloody pain, but at least I was no longer being humiliated.

  A sob slipped up my throat as Tinniel squeezed me against him. I clung to him as I looked over his shoulder, wondering if Amera’s hand would grow back. Maybe Frankenstein’s maker could help stitch her a new one.

  Blinking, I stuffed down the tears that wanted to come. Naz’s kind face appeared out of the side of the helicopter as it lifted up and away from the boat. He grabbed me as soon as we were near enough, hauling me inside.

  My feet barely touched the ground before Tinniel was there, cradling me against him. Naz instructed the pilot to get us back to land, almost wrenching Tinniel off me.

  “What are you doing?” his brother snapped.

  Kneeling on one knee, Naz gripped my thigh, lifting a piece of my shredded dress. Blood seeped out of my wound, gushing down my leg. “It’s nasty.”

  “Shit!” Tinniel swore as he released me.

  Taking off his black leather belt, he joined Naz to inspect my wound. I wasn’t even bothered that they could see my underwear when they yanked my dress up to my stomach. It was sopping wet, a hazard to their view.

  “You could’ve bled out,” Tinniel muttered, his cheeks deathly pale as he used his belt for a tourniquet, tightening it so hard, I squeaked.

  My limbs shook as I coughed. “Listen,” I started.

  Tinniel ignored me as he inspected my torn flesh. “We should take her to hospital.”

  “Guys…” I muttered through chattering teeth.

  “We can’t. How do we explain a magical sword wound?” Naz dug out his phone. “I’ll get Synthia on standby.”

  The helicopter’s propellers were so loud, they drowned out my miserable voice. The twins were so wrapped up in healing me, they weren’t listening. I had to tell them, before it was too late.

  “GUYS!” I shouted, slumping to the floor as sobs erupted from my throat.

  They were quiet, both frowning down at me. Tinniel hesitated before dropping beside me and clasping me to his chest. “What is it?”

  His gorgeous, tormented face had got me through the pain. How could I ruin the hope that had brightened his outlook on life? If he was crushed about his brother’s death, how would he cope with his betrayal?

  “It’s Henrick,” I said, trying to fight the tears that forced their way out of my eyes. “I met him. He’s alive and well.”

  “Oh good,” Naz breathed, pausing when he clearly heard my next thought. “What?”

  Tinniel’s eyebrows pulled low, his chest expanding as he sucked air into his lungs. I had to do it, I had to shatter the illusion.

  “He’s no longer a good guy. He’s working with our enemy.”

  Chapter Nine

  “She’s lost a lot of blood,” Naz said as he plonked me on the table in the training come healing room at the back of the club.

  Synthia barely acknowledged me as she bent over my leg, inspecting the damage. I cringed when she poked a bit of hanging flesh. My own sword had done a number on me. Trust Amera to use my own weapon against me. That was how criminals worked, they were clever like that. Bastards.

  “Can you fix her? Or shall we take her to the hospital?” Tinniel’s huge frame towered over us, casting a shadow.

  Smiling gently at me, she pushed Tinniel out of the way to get a better look. “I think I can heal the gash. The inflammation might not go down until tomorrow, but I’ll do my best.”

  Tinniel bent down beside my head, looking into my eyes as I glanced at him. I’d been quiet ever since we’d arrived at the club. There I’d been, all cocky and assured, ready to bargain with the vampire. And yet, it hadn’t taken much to break me.

  “This is going to sting,” Synthia said. “Better hold onto Tinniel.”

  Taking my palm, Tinniel squeezed my fingers as Synthia placed her hands either side of my thigh. Her eyes closed, and she whispered a spell, reciting it over and over. My leg throbbed, heat travelling outwards from her fingers.

  I gasped when the pain of my wound increased, making me lean towards Tinniel, who placed a hand in my hair and clasped my head to his chest. A whimper left my lips as a lump came to my throat.

  “There.” Synthia released me and stroked my arm. “It’s knitted together. It should be fine in a day or two. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  Smiling up at her through my tears, I nodded my thanks. She blinked, her own eyes filling as she backed away and retrieved Beauty. “I’ll clean this and be back in the morning to check on you.”

  As she left, I buried my head in Tinniel’s chest and wept, gripping his jacket so he couldn’t see my face. He shushed me as he stroked my hair, allowing me to lose myself in his scent and his calming energy.

  “You’re safe now,” he murmured when I pulled away and looked at him.

  Wiping my nose on my arm, I sniffed and tried to smile. I was being a wimp. Every bounty hunter must have gone through some type of torture.

  “No,” Naz said as he came in the room, “not every hunter goes through what you endured tonight.”

  Frowning, Tinniel cupped my cheek. “What happened?”

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Naz squeezed my ankle. “Klarita needs a report as soon as you’re up for it.”

  “By tomorrow, then.” I laughed, wincing when a sharp pain pulled my leg.

  Inclining his head, Naz winked before he left us, giving Tinniel a pointed look as the door closed behind him. What unspoken words were said between the twins? Did they know something I didn’t?

  When we were alone, Tinniel put his forehead against mine. “Are you okay? What did that bitch do to you?”

  A shuddery breath blasted from my mouth as I tried to sit up. Tinniel held me still, gently putting a hand above my wound to steady me. Blood coated his shirt, hands and even his hair.

  “At first, she was accommodating, filling me with plenty of food and drink. It quickly became apparent that she’s desperate and wasn’t going to just let me out of there.”

  Shaking my head, I bit my lip. Jeez, it all seemed like a lifetime ago. And yet, it was merely hours. So much had happened in such a short amount of time.

  Tinniel stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue.

  I cleared my head and slowly blinked, disconnecting from the emotion of being humiliated and tortured. If I wanted to become a good bounty hunter, I had to be able to process emotion without getting overwhelmed.

  “She wants me to kill Jimmy, as you know. Not only is her name on his chest, she wants the box talisman we saw in your time spell. Frankenstein is her pet. He must have been bargaining on her behalf.”

  Nodding, Tinniel frowned. “They’re clearly enemies, then. So, how did you play it?”

  “I pretended that I would kill Jimmy in order to get my mother’s whereabouts.”

  “Did she give you the information?” Sitting forward, Tinniel leant over me, his hair falling out of its band and brushing against my face.

  Pursing my lips, I cringed when I went to scratch my itchy wound.

  Tinniel caught my fingers just in time, holding them tightly as they slipped together. Ew, that was my blood causing the friction between our skin.

  “We need to get cleaned up,” Tinniel muttered, his eyes tracing me.

  I giggled when his gaze met mine, ducking as his cheeks flushed red. I was half naked on a table, blood all over me, and my boobs almost hanging out of the torn dress. Extremely flattering. Not.

  “Come on.” Picking me up, he cradled me against him and made his way towards the door.

  Snuggling into him, I inhaled his scent – clean sweat and musky aftershave, a woman’s dream – and relaxed in his arms. My leg emitted a dull ache, but the intense pain had gone. I chanced a look at the wound, sighing as my eyes widened.

; Wow, Synthia was incredible. There was barely a red line where the gash had been, the inflamed skin already healing at an incredible pace. How did she do it?

  “She was going to give me the first part of the co-ordinates,” I said, hiding my face under my hair. “And the second half when I killed Jimmy.”

  Striding down the corridor, Tinniel bashed the elevator button as soon as we reached it, checking around to make sure no other bounty hunters were in the vicinity. It was the middle of the night. They were either sleeping or chasing the bad guys.

  My gut clenched as the doors slid open and we went inside. I wasn’t sure if I was cut out to be a bounty hunter. Remembering the sensation of the vamp’s teeth sinking into me, I shivered.

  “You’re safe,” Tinniel whispered as he stepped out of the elevator and almost kicked my bedroom door open.

  The smell of fresh linen calmed me as Tinniel set me on my feet. Although wobbly, my knees held me up as he rushed into the bathroom and turned the bath taps on. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, cringing at the bite marks and blood splatters. Yuk. I looked like a walking corpse.

  “Where are your nightclothes?” Tinniel came back into the room, heading straight for the chest of drawers.

  When he tugged the top one open, I waited for his reaction. My underwear drawer was lined neatly, the lacy undergarments glaringly obvious. Clearing his throat, Tinniel blinked as he glanced over to me.

  A snort blasted from me as he quickly closed the drawer and opened the next one along. Considering he was a kickass bounty hunter, he was awkwardly uncomfortable with women’s panties.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can–”

  “No,” he cut in, “I’ve got it.”

  Taking out my strappy nightdress, he dropped it on the bed, attempting to place it nicely. He wasn’t the most elegant, which was fine by me. I liked a man who tried, but his roughness sent tingles to all the right places as he came over and grabbed me up in his arms again.

  “I’m feeling a little stronger,” I said, smiling when we entered the bathroom.

  Bubbles almost overflowed the big oval bath, the scent of lavender filling my nose. I was already tired, but now I’d be knocked out. Had the man never had a bath in his lifetime?